Thursday, 27 June 2013

Rons Banana Bread - RECIPE

Rons Banana Bread - (Vegan)

Rons cakes are notoriously popular here in Rurrenburque, Bolivia, so if you find yourself in this area keep your eyes open! 
He doesn't have a shop front, and doesn't need one, his daily bakes are sold by him I'm the mornings on foot. If you're waiting to leave for a Pampas or Jungle trek you'll be sure to see him. For the rest of the day he has his goodies stand at the side of the road - (opposite Fletcha Tours) - if you're lucky there'll be some left.

Good ingredients are key to good food and good baking ! Ron comes with a wealth of healthy food knowledge! 
His Secret  ingredient -
Meo de Cana (honey of the sugar cane) - distilled sugar cane. After trying a tablespoon of the stuff its sweetness is milder than you'd expect. If you can't get hold of this try something similar like honey but use slightly less and add according to taste to ensure it doesn't produce to sweet a cake. 

R O N S   R E C I P I E

Makes three pun pans - tin size diameter 8.5 inches

First mixing bowl - 
X4 1/2 cups of plain flour - (Reg coffee cup - full with an ice burg top) 
X1 large tbs of baking soda - (not powder! This version doesn't  contain aluminum)
Mix well together in one bowl 

Second bowl (wet bowl) -
X4 cups of smashed bananas (flat top) - riper the better because they're softer but not over ripe (completely brown) 
Smash bananas - chop roughly with knife then finish with potato smasher
3/4 cup of cooking oil sunflower oil 
3/4 light brown sugar
Then add 3/4 cup of meo de Cana
1tbs of salt add
Add 1  1/2 cups of water gradually
Mix with whisk, mixture should be lumpy but runny in consistency and fall out of whisk

Add wet mixture in to dry mixture bowl. Mix well then pour in to greased pun pans

Cook at 250 f Low temperature for the first half an hour then
375f for the last half hour to prevent the cake cracking 
Bake for a total of one hour, do not remove from tin until cake has cooled 

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